About us

This is us
We are Young Friends of the Earth Germany / BUNDjugend Niedersachsen. This is the youth of the association for environment and nature conservation (BUND Niedersachsen e.V.)
BUNDjugend is an open space for young people up to the age of 27, who want to stand up for climate justice, environmental protection and preservation as well as a fair world.
We are active all across Lower Saxony in various groups: in local branches, on our executive board, with our projects and numerous activities, events and offers for children and young people.
We are a founding member of Lower Saxony’s youth environmental network JANUN e.V.
This is what we stand for
We stand for tolerance and solidarity. Exclusion, hatred and discrimination have no place with us. Our chosen forms of protests are non-violent and peaceful.
The climate crisis is escalating. We witness an icreasing loss of biological diversity. These issues are among the greatest challenges of our time. Yet far too little is being done. That must change! After all, it is our future that is at stake. We want our future to be colourful and diverse as well as sustainable. Thus, it is our ultimate goal to achieve a good life for everyone in harmony with nature.
This is what we do
We organize marshland preservation workcamps, canoe trips to collect waste, clothes-swap-parties, campaigns to plant trees, ecological summer camps and much more. As part of our educational work, we introduce children and young people to nature and the importance of its preservation while making solidarity and community a tangible experience for them.
We express our issues and opinions loudly at demonstrations and political campaigns. We are present and we are loud because a fair world and a better future are causes that are worth fighting for!